Secure ADI Course Registration and Payment

Users of can be assured that the payment and personal information they submit using this site is encrypted and secure. We take every measure to make sure that your information is protected because we want you to tell others about our course!
Whenever you click a "REGISTER NOW" button on this website, you will leave our site and be transferred to, where our courses are hosted.
When you see a page where you are to enter your personal information or payment information (e.g. credit card data), you will see the web address change from "http" to "https," indicating that the page you are on is a secure web page.
All payment transactions for are conducted through TicketSchool's payment portal. Your payment information is encrypted using SSL technology.
Site Scanned Daily for Viruses
Our host site,, is scanned daily for viruses and hack attempts. This site meets the requirements for secure website certification.
To see our secure payment seal, go to and hover over the secure payment image.
You will also see the secure payment image on payment pages or any other pages that require you to enter sensitive data.
We Respect Your Privacy will never sell your personal data to a third party vendor, private company, or other party. For further information, please read our privacy policy.
Click "Register Now" to get started on your Florida Online ADI course today.